Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Logging in to Yarnman administration,  https://<ip address or DNS name>/administration


Minimum recommended specifications for Yarnman running standard datasets. For larger datasets, this would need to be increased
2 4 x vCPU
4 8 GB vRAM
80 1000 GB vStorage

Yarnman Manual Log Collection


  1. During the upgrade you will be prompted if you want to run a backup - select Y to perform backup

  2. On completion - Y to reboot

Database Update Process


To update DB in Yarnman using Fauxton

Code Block
[http://<ip|] address of Yarnman>:5984/_utils






change to 2.X.X (previous version than current)


node ./scripts/update-database.js

Note that firewall may need to be disabled to allow Fauxton access that will need to be replaced post update

Local Firewall Configuration


Local Firewall Configuration


Configure on each host as required using ufw
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow http
sudo ufw allow https
sudo ufw enable
Additional rules are required on the core node for each arm deployed
sudo ufw allow from <ip address of arm> to any proto tcp port 5984,5986
sudo ufw allow from <ip address of arm> to any proto tcp port 6379,6380
Default Terminator Configuration (Testmate)
sudo ufw allow from any proto udp port 6700:6799


To acquire a new certificate you must generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). This may be done initially after creating private key or when a certificate expiresCertificate expires
Certificate Locations /opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config
/ssl-cert.cert - Standard certificate sent to clients
/ssl-key.pem - Private key file for checking response
Open ssh session to server – go to /opt/yarnlab/yarnman/configOpen config
Open Editor 'nano cert.cnf'
In the editor – complete following info

Code Block



name  = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = v3_req
[ req_distinguished_name


emailAddress      = Email Address (emailAddress_


max    = 64)
[ v3_req ]
basicConstraints = CA:


keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature,


subjectAltName = @alt_names (Recommend using DNS name here)


 = <DNS name>

Image Modified

Backup and Restore


To Backup Yarnman Open SSH session Run command: cd /opt/yarnlab/yarnmanRun the backup script:  ./scripts/ -b Backup script will create Backup Directory /opt/yarnlab/backup and create backup file Restoring BackupOpen SSH sessionEnsure that the backup directory /opt/yarnlab/backup exist with backup file Run command: cd /opt/yarnlab/yarnmanRun the restore script:  ./scripts/ -rThe backup script will identify the latest backup in the backup directory and restore from there
