No | Component | Item | Complete (YES/NO) |
1 | Yarnman | Install Yarnman Server. Instructions Here | |
2 | Yarnman | Login to Yarnman Application | |
3 | Yarnman Admin | Select Administration from the Admin drop down list | |
4 | Yarnman Admin | Navigate to Interfaces. Create Source and target CUCM Interfaces. Instruction here https://yarnlab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/YSP/pages/2730393636/Yarnman+Administration#Interfaces | |
5 | Yarnman Admin | Navigate to Services. Create Wrangler UCMC Service and Interconnect Service. Name Service Wrangler UCMC. Instructions how to add service and Interconnect Service here | |
6 | Yarnman Admin | Verify the Service is added to proxy and available in the dropdown | |
7 | Yarnman Admin | Verify connectivity between wrangler and all other component Wrangler to CUCM Source Wrangler to CUCM Target |
No | Component | Item | Complete (YES/NO) | Notes |
WRANGLER | Login to Wrangler Application by selecting from switcher drop down ‘Wrangler UCMC’ | |||
WRANGLER | Navigate to Mappings-> Mapping Tables. Verify the Global Mapping has all required items (check section 3.3 for details) |
No | Component | Item | Complete (YES/NO) | Notes |
1 | WRANGLER | Login to Wrangler Application. Select New Customer Migration | ||
2 | WRANGLER | Define Source and Target UCMC Interfaces as defined earlier, Optionally define Initial countries (countries covered by Source CUCM Select Dialplan Configuration ‘Map - Map Source Dialplan to Existing Target Dialplan’, then ‘Save Migration $ Start Discovery’ to kick off the migration | ||
3 | WRANGLER | On Completion of Initial Discovery/ Allocation/ Validation we need to define Sites, and resolve any issues | ||
4 | WRANGLER | Select ‘Site Suggestion’ tab to define Sites. Mappings created previously for Device Pool and, if required other objects, should ensure that Sites suggestion displayed match these*. Select ‘Create Site’ for each site, or select all using ‘Bulk Action’
| ||
5 | WRANGLER | Select the Warnings Tab Warnings tab displays issues from initial validation checks such as lines without phones, users without lines, users without emails etc. None of these issues will stop migration proceeding and may be disregarded by selecting ‘Disable Rule And Clear Issue’ Or if these issues/ some of them should be rectified prior to proceeding. Select the blue button adjacent to each object type flagged – this will display all the objects of that type with the highlighted issue. These may then be exported and the issue rectified in source CUCM followed by Fast Re-Sync All option | ||
6 | WRANGLER | Select the ‘Issues & Resolutions’ tab These issues must be attended to before progressing migration Some issues and suggested solution to these are described below For a list of all validation rules, what they mean and suggested solutions to them, they may be found here Wrangler UCMC Validation Rules and Solutions There are LDAP integrated User in target not existing in source Solve by Resyncing the target or select ‘Bulk Skip Users’ to skip users from the migration There are Device Pools that are not allocated to site This issue may be ignored until after Reallocation performed as provided Mappings performed correctly this issue will disappear as part of Site Allocation EM Profiles not allocated to site in source cluster This issue may be ignored until after Reallocation performed as provided Mappings performed correctly this issue will disappear as part of Site Allocation Duplicates in Target with unique configuration This flags that there are Duplicate objects in target but with different configuration to the source duplicate. To review the duplicate difference, select ‘Review Duplicates’ which will bring up links to the duplicates for review If target is to be updated with configuration from the source duplicate object select ‘Update Target Object’ (this would generally be the selection that should be used and is always the action for LDAP integrated users) or ‘Ignore Source’ which will keep the Target object as is Mapping These objects must have been created in Target and source object then mapped to corresponding target (note that if source and target objects have same name, they will be mapped automatically). Select the ‘Manually Resolve Unmapped’ which will bring up the unmapped objects of the type, then map as required. If there are many objects to be mapped such as with CSS’s and Route Partitions in sample, the 'Download XLSX Report' may be used and mapping done in Excel and then uploaded. Mapping process (and Issues & Resolutions) is further explained here https://yarnlab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/YSP/pages/2728493069/Wrangler+UCMC+Migration+User+Guide#Issues&-Resolutions-(below-description-and-samples-apply-to-single-cluster-migrations---for-multi-cluster-consolidation,-additional-info-here-[inlineCard]-) When all validation rule issues cleared, select ‘Re-Allocate Migration’ | ||
7 | WRANGLER | If after Reallocation, some issues still remain Resolve these, then Re-Validate until no further errors are detected In sample migration Sites with no Country defined To solve these, ‘Select Country Code’ then from drop down add required country Note: Bulk Change Option may be used if there are many issues flagged of same type. How to use Bulk Change option here https://yarnlab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/YSP/pages/2756444161/Wrangler+UCMC+Administration+Guide#Bulk-Changes Once all issues cleared – ‘Re-Validate Migration’ | ||
8 | Once All Issues and Resolutions and Site Allocation processed, continue with Prepare Sites Step |
No | Component | Item | Complete (YES/NO) |
1 | WRANGLER | Again Select ‘Re-Validate Migration’ to proceed with pre load stage validation. | |
2 | WRANGLER | Select ‘Issues & Resolutions’ tab to view any pre load validation issues Jabber Device Lines with Max Num Calls parameter set to >2 Solve by ‘Resolve With Bulk Change’ which will change all Jabber Device Lines with Max Num Calls >2 to Max Num Calls = 2 When all issues cleared – ‘Re-Validate Migration’ If no new issues appear after validation - proceed to ‘Preview Load’ Step 3 below in this section, otherwise Some new sequencing issues may reappear – as per above clear these by moving objects to ‘Before Any Sites Loaded’ or Bulk Change dependencies to ‘During Site Load’ – again Re-Validate Migration’ Repeat this until all issues cleared. Tip: If there are many sequencing issues of the same type, Bulk Change may be used to change them to different Change point – ‘Before Any Sites Loaded’ or ‘During Site Load’ stages For Example – if we wanted to change all Regions and Locations to change Point ‘Before Any Sites Loaded’ Navigate to Bulk Change, then ‘Create Bulk Change’ Select Objects to change in Filters , select Target Cluster, then ‘Search & Find Objects’ When objects show, select ‘Next’ Scroll down to Edit Overrides Header, ‘Set Allocated site’ to ‘Set to “null”’ and ‘Change At’ to ‘Before Any Sites Loaded’ Select ‘Review Bulk Changes’, then ‘Apply Bulk Changes’ More on Preload validation issues and Tip here https://yarnlab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/YSP/pages/1833501488/Wrangler+UCMC+Tips+and+Hints#Pre-Load-Validation-Issues When all preload issues are cleared – move to Load Sites | |
3 | WRANGLER | Start Load by selecting ‘Preview Load’, followed by ‘Start Migration’ This will load objects into target CUCM | |
4 | WRANGLER | On completion of Load, review any Errors by selecting ‘Events’ Tab, then ‘X Errors’ Error Details may be viewed by selecting the individual error. Within the error detail will be a link to open the object in Object Browser from where issue may be resolved by removing the issue causing the error or such In sample above CUCM-LINE causing error selecting highlighted link brings up object detail in Object Browser. The issue being a duplicate DN in same partition so changing partition Once all errors have been rectified – ‘Restart Execution Process’, then migration complete, You may select ‘Continue Migration’ to move to the ‘Move Sites’ step although this step is for future use and currently perform no function |