Switch user to root
Code Block su root
Run the following command to create the CSR request config file
Code Block nano /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/yarnman-ssl.cnf
copy the following content and replace servername.example.com with the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the server and sample@sample.com with an email address.
Code Block [req] distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name req_extensions = v3_req [ req_distinguished_name ] emailAddress = sample@sample.com [ v3_req ] basicConstraints = CA:FALSE keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment subjectAltName = @alt_names [alt_names] DNS.1 = servername.example.com
Run the following command to generate the CSR
Command Syntax
Code Block openssl req -config /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/yarnman-ssl.cnf -new -subj "/C=${COUNTRY}/ST=${STATE}/L=${LOCATION}/O=${ORGANIZATION}/OU=${FUNCTION}/CN=${FQDN}" \ -out /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/yarnman-ssl.csr -key /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ssl-key.pem -passin pass:somepassword -sha512 -newkey rsa:4096
All of the following need to be replaced
Code Block openssl req -config /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/yarnman-ssl.cnf -new -subj "/C=AU/ST=NSW/L=SYDNEY/O=yarnlab/OU=lab/CN=yarnman.test.yarnlab.io" \ -out /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/yarnman-ssl.csr -key /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ssl-key.pem -passin pass:yarnman -sha512 -newkey rsa:4096
Collect CSR for signing
Option 1- SFTP download from /var/opt/yarnlab/upgrade/
cp /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/yarnman-ssl.csr /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/upgrade/yarnman-ssl.csr
Option 2 - copy content from your ssh terminal to obtain the base64 text
cat /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/yarnman-ssl.csr
Once signed certificate has been received from CA
Note if the certificate has intermediate CA, Extra steps will be required detailed in the step Configuring Intermediate CA Certificates
rename/move existing SSL public certificate
Code Block mv /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ssl-cert.cert /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ssl-cert.cert.bk
Update public certificate
Option 1
upload to /tmp from your sftp program, set/validate correct permission and restart yarnmanCode Block mv /tmp/certname.something /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ssl-cert.cert chown ym-yarnman-app:ym-yarnman-app-gp /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ca/ssl-cert.cert chmod 644 /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ssl-cert.cert systemctl restart yarnman
Option 2
use nano to paste the contents of the base64 certificateCode Block nano /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ssl-cert.cert chown ym-yarnman-app:ym-yarnman-app-gp /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ssl-cert.cert chmod 644 /var/opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ssl-cert.cert systemctl restart yarnman