Info |
On Sites and how Site Suggestions are created can be found here https://yarnlab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/YSP/pages/2756444161/Wrangler+UCMC+Administration+Guide#Sites and here https://yarnlab.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQDGr |
The Warnings tab displays items that have triggered the rules but are information warnings only that may be attended to as required. Items that are highlighted under warnings can be missing e164 numbers, Intercom partitions and CSS's, Devices without Lines, Lines without Devices etc. If these require updating, select the blue button which will take you to the item in question. If no action is required for the individual item, the Red Button + Disable Rule and Clear Issue may be selected to clear the issue. When Warnings have been attended to, continue by selecting the Issues & Resolutions Tab
When all issues are resolved, select Re-Validate Migration
Info |
Tip: If you receive many errors for invalid numbers, you may need to add country to the site where errors are or default country not added. The default country may be added under Dialplan->Configuration- Numbers Tab. Individual site country can be added under Allocation->Sites, then select the relevant country from Country field, in override column + Save, then perform reallocation |
Prepare Sites stage
On resolving issues and revalidation successfully completed, the ‘three migration step’ screen is displayed. To progress from here, we now need to select what sites should migrate.
Webex Calling Multi Tenant (WxC-MT) requires Telephone number to be valid and outside the US to be in e.164 format - wrangler_ will automatically validate all number and if valid generate the source-infra-number object SOURCE-NUMBER(s)
If numbers are not valid validation issues will be raise
This feature was added for WxC-MT migration to automatically normalise numbers - this can be reviewed in Discovered Numbers - Number Mappings
In WxC-MT mode wrangler deduplicates on DN ignoring CUCM-ROUTE-PARTITION although flagging via validation signal
In a future release it will be possible to spit out the specific line and partition pairs with a unique prefix
Supported infra source transformation
Source DN Type | Source e164 Number Mask type | Example Country | Example Source DN | Example source mask | Example source infraSOURCE-NUMBER extn / e164 / external-cli |
Extn | e.164 | USA | 35111 | +121299851XX | 35111 / +12129985111 / null |
Extn | null | null | 22123 | 22123 / null / null | |
Extn | FNN | USA | 5633 | 61525356XX | 5633 / +16152535633 / null |
Extn | invalid | null | 22124 | 22124 / null / null | |
FNN | FNN | 35113 | +121299851XX | 35113 / +12129985113 / null | |
FNN | e.164 | USA | 6152535643 | +16152535600 | 6152535643 / +16152535643 / +16152535600 |
FNN | null | USA | 16152535622 | null | 6152535622 / +16152535622 / null |
FNN | invalid | USA | 6152535622 | 0000000000 | 6152535622 / +16152535622 / null |
e.164 | USA | \+61292205129 | null / +61292205129 / null |
CUCM Directory Number | External Number Mask | Source Infra | Example Country | Example source DN | Example source mask | Example source infraSOURCE-NUMBER | Notes |
Extn | US 7digt | USA | 5633 | 25356XX | No supported |
Info |
If the line is in FNN format and has a leading 0 (e.g. AUS/GBR) this will be stripped from the source infra SOURCE-NUMBER extension DN 02071236000 + Mask +442071236000 - Source Infra 2071236000 / +442071236000 |
Info |
Normalisation using FNN requires that sites are created with the country set and re-allocation to be run |
Number Validation
Extended in wrangler_ 2.6.13
The new WxC-MT Numbers page has been add to display the various validation checks done
If doing gradual site migration and do not want to resolve all number issues before commencing first site migration you will need to disable the various number validation rules and the user will need to check using the validation signals in the MT numbers page using the selected sites filter and the various validation signals
Line Key Layouts
Added in wrangler_ 2.6.13
Wrangler will now now transform line key layouts for wxc-device and linked to wxc-person and wxc-workspace
Any supported physical cucm-phone will be transformed to wxc-device with Shared Call Appearances, Monitoring and speed dials migrated
Any desktop soft clients (CSF/CIPC) will be trasformed to wxc-application (desktopClientId) with Shared Call Appearances
Any supported physical cucm-phone will be transformed to wxc-device with Shared Call Appearances, Monitoring and speed dials migrated
Note |
Workspace Pro support will be added in a future release |
WxC-Virtual Line
Required wxc-virtual-lines will be generated as part of the prepare workflow
New validaiton rules added to check max keys with actions to trim keys to limits in Webex Calling
Number mappings - Bulk Change
Added in wrangler_ 2.6.8
This may be used if you need to clear the number mappings to infraSOURCE-source NUMBER if the countries were not correctly set initally or to force invalid FNN/e164 numbers that are used for non-DID services
Virtual Line Transformation
Warning |
Added in v2.6.6 and replaced in 2.6.13 |
Virtual lines are detected by looking at the appearances of a CUCM-LINE and then running a check to see if that line is a primary line and if it is not a primary line and meets the conditions of the virtual line it is set to transform - this is done on the INFRA-SOURCE-Number object