Table of Contents | ||||
The Warnings tab displays items that have triggered the rules but are information warnings only that may be attended to as required in source CUCM. Items that are highlighted under warnings can be missing e164 numbers, Intercom partitions and CSS's, Devices without Lines, Lines without Devices etc. If these require updatingTo view the details of these objects, select the blue button which will take you to the item/s in question. If no action is required for the individual item/s, select Acknowledge and Continue (pre version 2.6.12 the Red Button + Disable Rule and Clear Issue) may be selected to clear the issue.
Once Warnings are resolved, proceed to next Tab - Site Suggestions which is where we define the sites to be used during the migration
Navigate to ‘Issues’ , the select ‘Re-Allocate Migration’
Option 3 - if the View link selecisted , the below screen will show, displaying which Device pool is impacted, this in turn has a link View to the Object Browser described in more detail here, that shows the detail of this Device Pool. We can here allocate this object to a site as per the screen shot below.
We can select the sites individually by selecting the O Waiting from Select column or we can Bulk Select all sites by selecting the Green Bulk Select button
If any issues are discovered that prevent cloning of an object, it will be highlighted in red with link to the issue. Select the Target Issues: 1 link which will display the object
In this sample it is a Line Group Syd1-Sales-LG - select the link which will bring up the issue detail for the LG
The issue here is Line group member 25124, to view detail, select link to source Syd1-Sales-LG which will show Object Browser detail for the Line Group
if all issues resolved, Target Issues will now show 0, select Release, then Restart Execution Process
The EM profile not allocated to site need to be resolved by selecting View link whcih will bring up Object Browser detail for the EM Profile, where site may be allocated