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This page provides some additional information to the Wrangler UCMC Migration User Guide for Cluster Consolidation migrations specifics only.


For Map migrations (selected by Use Map - Map Source Dialplan to Existing Target Dialplan / Do Nothing option from Dialplan Configuration field), it is a requirement that a dialplan Dialplan has already been configured in the target UCMC cluster to allow for mapping of source clusters dialplan Dialplan objects to the target dialplanDialplan.

To start a Map migration

  1. Select the CUCM source interfaces of CUCM’s to be consolidated in the Source Clusters CUCM Cluster Publishers fields

  2. Select CUCM target interface target in the Target Clusters CUCM Cluster Publishers field as per single migration.

  3. Name the migration in Target Customer Name field.

  4. Enter Countries in Initial Countries field.

  5. Select required Dialplan migration option from Dialplan Configuration drop down, noting that Clone - Clone Source Dialplan migration option, whilst can be selected is not supported for Consolidated cluster migrations.

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On Completion of Initial Discovery/ Allocation/ Validation, in addition to any issues experienced with a single cluster migration, any duplicates between the two source clusters will be displayed


Review the duplicates against the CUCM clusters. Most Many of the duplicates will be default items in CUCM and can safely be ignored, such as most of the Phone security Profiles, Phone Button Templates etc. However, any custom templates need to be reviewed to ensure that duplicate configuration is the same in both copies before Ignoringand if it states that configuration is identical, any cluster can be selected to be used by clicking on the Select Cluster blue button, and selecting from the drop down which source cluster to be used for the migration.


Once the cluster has been selected, the Select Cluster button will change to View Bulk Change, this button can be selected to , if required, view the bulk change that was performed when selecting the cluster.


If a duplicate object needs to be investigated before selecting the cluster to use, this would be relevant if unique configuration between the duplicates, then the individual objects may be investigated by selecting the Review Duplicates button, which will bring up a new view listing the individual duplicate objects.


from here select the duplicates individually by clicking on Edit link which will bring up the detailed view of the object in Object Browser.


In the object browser, investigate the configuration differences between the individual duplicate objects. Decision needs to be made how to deal with the duplicates. If a particular version of the individual object is not to be used, then from the object page of the duplicates set the Ignore as source toggle to Yes, this duplicate will then not be used for the migration.

If the duplicate needs to be migrated, it will need to be best course of action is to corrected in the source cluster, then perform a new discovery performed.

When all the duplicates and all other issues* have been have been rectified as required, proceed with migration as per standard Map migration


The first cluster entered when initiating migration is the source of truth. If selecting Disable Rule And Clear Issue red button adjacent to the duplicate, the source of truth object during the migration will be migrated to target, ignoring the duplicate


, select Re-Validate Migration


Once all issues have been rectified, the Prepare Sites header will display all sites. select Sites to be migrated from the Sites menu

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When sites have been selected go back to Issues from main menu and select Re-Validate Migration


Attend to any issues flagged after the revalidation, then Re-Validate Migration again.

Select Preview Prepare, followed by Start Migration, this will start the preparation of all objects ready for loading


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When this is completed, select the Continue Migration button


The migration has now progressed to pre load stage, select the Re-Validate Migration button


The migration will now progress to validate sequencing of objects for loading and also flag any duplicates between the selected source cluster/objects and the target cluster.

On completion of validation any sequencing issues are displayed and dealt with by selecting the Move Obj To “Before Any Sites Loaded” or View X Dependant Object button. This is described further in the Migration User Guide

Any duplicates here may be reviewed by selecting the Review Duplicates button to investigate further before selecting appropriate copy; or

Selecting the Ignore Source button to ignore the source object and leave target as is, or the Update Target button to update the target duplicate with configuration from the source duplicate object.


When complete, select the Re-Validate Migration button

Now ready to load target, select Preview Load button, followed by Start Migration button


Note that the above step, validation pre th load step, will include duplicate target update selection in coming version. Currently we will update target with source data, but the coming version will allow for selection if target is to be updated with source data configuration or if target should be left as is with source configuration of duplicate objects ignored


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Only issues specific to consolidation are mentioned on this page, for all other, refer to Wragler UCMC Migration User Guide here

Staged Migration

If for some reason, a single consolidated migration as per above can not be performed, it could be that not all source clusters that are to be consolidated can be accessed at the time of the first discovery or such, a possible approach is to perform a single migration first. Then using this migration as the consolidated dialplan for further migrations.

There are a number of variations to this option.

  1. The Initial migration as Clone Migration or Template/ Simplified Dial Plan migration with this used as master dialplan for consecutive (mapped) migrations

  2. A new dialplan could be deployed manually (or by engineer developed tools). The initial and consecutive migrations could then be performed as separate Mapped migrations.

  3. Separate Clone Migrations but to the same target. This would not be a recommended option as the target cluster would end up with a separate dialplan for each source cluster migrated.


Important Note regarding these options is that duplicate objects that may exist between the second and any consecutive migrations and the target will not be flagged in the discovery.

These duplicate object configurations will be updated in the target from the last migrated cluster of the same. Thus it is important that any potential duplicates are reviewed in CUCM and be known beforehand.

If the duplicate in consecutive migrating clusters have a different configuration than the target object, and the target configuration is not to be changed, then the source cluster configuration of this object will need to be skipped, or if required, reconfigured in the source CUCM cluster.


For consecutive migration, duplicates between the new source clusters and the target cluster will be as per consolidated cluster process above