Table of Contents | ||||
Before starting the migration, the source and target CUCM, and if required CUC, interfaces must be defined.
The rights required for these interfaces are defined here
Info |
Important Note: For migration to WxC-DI, an account with User Rank 1 is required which will require a special request to Cisco as by default for DI migration an account with Rank 3 will be provided. |
The minimum Required access roles in the CUCM Application User for the AXL interface are
Info |
The The process to define the interfaces can be found in
Standard AXL Read Only API Access can be applied on the source cluster
Target CUCM Configuration Requirements Pre Migration
Call Manager Servers
These are created automatically with each CUCM node being installed
Call Manager Group (CMG)
The call manager groups need to be created to suit the target cluster layout, if the number of subscribers is changing between source and target clusters care must be taken to ensure each subscriber has the approriate number of registrations based on OVA size
Media Resource Group Lists (MRGL)
Media services, Media groups and Media Resource Group Lists need to be configured on the target cluster
Custom SIP Normalization Scripts
IP Phone Services
Such as Extension Mobility
UC Service Profiles
User Profiles
VPN Profiles and VPN Groups
CUCM Native Dialplans loaded other than NANP
Custom Dial Plan Tags
Any User and Network Locales other than default (ENG-US) loaded
Custom Roles and Access Control Groups Note required from v2.5.15
Mobile Smart Client Profiles
LDAP Directory configuration
Unity Connection target prerequirements
Unity Connection Voice Port Group
Unity Connection Call Handler Templates *
If an object type is set to map in the source type mappings, as per below screenshot, these objects in the source cluster must be mapped to target, otherwise errors will occur during the migration for objects that have dependencies.
If a map object with the same name exists in the target as in the source, Wrangler will automatically set the mapping
For objects that require mapping, Selecting the Blue Button to Manually Resolve Unmapped will show the Target Mappings screen for the object/s. From here , the source object/s are should be mapped to the required pre configured target cluster object.
New feature from wrangler- Version 2.5.24 is Rank validation. Rank is a feature that impacts three components in CUCM, LDAP Directory, ACG (Access Control Group) and CUCM User and is used to control user access to ACG’s .
Note |
In version 2.6.12 and later, ACG’s (Access Control Groups) default behaviour is changed to map rather than clone. Together with this we are introducing an ACG automap functionality that maps default source ACG’s to corresponding WxC-DI Partner ACG’s |
This wrangler_ feature is implemented to support WxC-DI requirement that Rank value 5 should be used for enterprise users. In most CUCM deployments, Rank would be left at Default, which is 1 (the highest). Now if users have been configured with an ACG such as Standard CCM End Users with Default Rank configured, and is to be given a Rank value of 5 in WxC-Di then they will no longer be able to access the Standard CCM End Users ACG.
When all validation issues have been completed , you need to Re-Validate Migration. On completion of this next round of validations, there will be an ACG Clone Rule triggered.
Rank ACG Cloning pre Yarnman/wrangler_ pre version 2.6.12
For WxC-DI migrations using Yarn1man with version earlier than 2.6.12, an ACG clone may be created as per below.
On completion of this next round of validations, there will be an ACG Clone Rule triggered.
Select the Clone ACGs button to clone all the currently used ACG’s with Default Rank to a new ACG with a Rank value of 5 . again complete any remaining issues, then Re-Validate Migration
As part of the migration all users will be transformed with a Rank Value of 5 and associated with the newly cloned ACG’s
Rank ACG behaviour Yarnman/wrangler_ version 2.6.12 and later
For version 2.6.12 and later migrating to WxC-DI only - the above ACG clone process is not performed, instead we have developed a process to Automap default source ACG’s to the WxC-DI Partner ACG’s as per below screenshot, thus now not requiring a Rank 1 account for the API interface credentials. (Note that this may still be required if custom ACG’s are required in the WxC-DI, as Cisco by default does not allow for the creation of ACG’s in the WxC-DI environment
The Warnings tab displays items that have triggered the rules but are information warnings only that may be attended to as required. Items that are highlighted under warnings can be missing e164 numbers, Intercom partitions and CSS's, Devices without Lines, Lines without Devices etc. If these require updating, select the blue button which will take you to the item in question. If no action is required for the individual item, the Red Button + Disable Rule and Clear Issue may be selected to clear the issue
Navigate to ‘Issues’ , the select ‘Re-Allocate Migration’
Option 3 - if the View link selecisted , the below screen will show, displaying which Device pool is impacted, this in turn has a link View to the Object Browser described in more detail here, that shows the detail of this Device Pool. We can here allocate this object to a site as per the screen shot below.
We can select the sites individually by selecting the O Waiting from Select column or we can Bulk Select all sites by selecting the Green Bulk Select button
If any issues are discovered that prevent cloning of an object, it will be highlighted in red with link to the issue. Select the Target Issues: 1 link which will display the object
In this sample it is a Line Group Syd1-Sales-LG - select the link which will bring up the issue detail for the LG
The issue here is Line group member 25124, to view detail, select link to source Syd1-Sales-LG which will show Object Browser detail for the Line Group
if all issues resolved, Target Issues will now show 0, select Release, then Restart Execution Process
The EM profile not allocated to site need to be resolved by selecting View link whcih will bring up Object Browser detail for the EM Profile, where site may be allocated