Below are described the wrangler_ WxC tool global settings. These can generally be left as default but contain some settings that may be useful to change depending on migration requirements, particularly the Mapping Tables that define the Site suggestions for migration
General settings define global performance metrics and other global settings.
These should generally be left as default unless performance issues experienced interfacing with CUCM and/ or UCXN |
Note that saving global settings will reset workflow services, so not recommended to perfom in middle of migration task such as Discovery, Allocation, Validation, Prepare, Load |
Setting | Default Value | Description |
General Settings | ||
Generate new incremental siteID’s | OFF ON (Default) | Site ID’s number will generate incrementally. If off will leave as Site name |
Enable VOSS4UC Hierarchy Move | OFF (Default) ON | Enables VOSS4UC hierarchy move - this should only be enabled for HCS to HCS migrations |
Couch Database Settings | ||
Yarnman CouchDB Simultaneous Request Limit | 50 | Controls how many simultaneous requests to send to Couch. |
Yarnman CouchDB Find Page Size | 200 | Controls the page size of find requests in Couch. |
Yarnman CouchDB Bulk Get Batch Size | 500 | Controls the batch size of bulk load object requests in Couch. |
Yarnman CouchDB Bulk Add/Update Batch Size | 500 | Controls the batch size of bulk add/update object requests in Couch. |
CUCM Settings | ||
CUCM AXL List Page Size | 150 | Controls size of each page when loading lists of items via AXL. |
CUCM AXL Simultaneous Request Limit | 15 | Controls how many simultaneous requests to send via AXL. |
CUCM AXL Simultaneous Write Limit | 2 | Controls how many simultaneous updates to send via AXL. |
CUCM AXL Sync Backoff Time | 75000 | Controls how long it will take to wait to send the next AXL request. Default is 75 seconds |
CUCM AXL Sync Backoff Retry Times | 5 | Sets the amount of times to retry a sync AXL request after the backoff above. Default is 5 retries |
Enable Fast Sync | OFF ON | Using this switch, you can enable/disable the fast sync function, which uses an AXL listChanges request to collet changes during the Wrangler sync process. Default is true |
Unity Settings | ||
Unity CUPI List Page Size | 200 | Controls size of each page when loading lists of items via Unity CUPI |
Unity CUPI Simultaneous Request Limit | 5 | Sets the amount of objects to be retrieved from Unity/UCXN API calls. |
Unity CUPI Request Timeout (ms) | 30000 | Controls how long to wait for Unity to respond to an API request before triggering a timeout. |
Unity CUPI Sync Backoff Time (ms) | 90000 | Controls how long to wait for Unity to retry a sync request after encountering a problem. Only effects sync/discovery requests. |
Unity CUPI Sync Backoff Retry Times | 3 | Sets the amount of times to retry a sync request after the backoff above. |
Webex Settings | ||
Webex List Page Size | 50 | Controls size of each page when loading lists of items via Webex API. |
Webex Simultaneous Request Limit | 20 | Controls how many simultaneous requests to send via Webex API. |
Webex Simultaneous Write Limit | 4 | Controls how many simultaneous updates to send via Webex API. Default is 4. |
Webex Request Timeout (ms) | 45000 | Controls how long to wait for webex to respond to an API request before triggering a timeout. |
Webex Sync Backoff Time (ms) | 60000 | Controls how long to wait for webex to retry a sync request after encountering a problem. |
Webex Sync Backoff Retry Times | 4 | Sets the amount of times to retry a sync request after the backoff above. |
Workflow Settings | ||
Maximum validation issue item count | 5000 | Controls the number of entries that can be saved in validation issue task |
Interstep processing pause | 10000 | Controls pause during clone transform process |
UCMC Settings | ||
CDR Repository Path | /var/lib/couchdb/cdr | Local path that CDR folders and files are deposited in. Default is /var/lib/couchdb/cdr These are required if running migration report CDR Dialing Forest |
The Defaults tab defines the default settings that are displayed on the migration initiation screen.
Default Schema gives option to select any custom schemas that may have been created for migration
Target Dialplan defines what Default Dialplan to be displayed when using Template Dialplan migration
Dialplan Configuration defines what dialplan migration option is displayed by default when initiating Migration
Default Countries gives option to add countries to be added by default during migration
Theses settings are the default display settings only and can be modified as required when initiating each migration.
Theses settings are the default display settings only and can be modified as required when initiating each migration.
Prefix Templates settings defines the prefixes for Dialplan objects when using Template Migration only
Customer Prefix defines the prefix for multiple dialplan objects deployed for Template Migration only
Site Prefix defines the prefix for multiple dialplan objects deployed for Template Migration only
Clone Access Control Group Suffix This is used for Migrations to On Prem CUCM where Rank Mapping is required
The Mapping Object Default Matrix defines source data objects mapping to target data objects. These should be left as default
Mapping Tables contain Templates that are used to determine Sites during the Site allocation migration step. These regexes can be modified as required to correctly match source cluster settings required to create site suggestions during the migration. Note that these are global settings, but they can also be modified on a migration specific basis during the migration. This is described under migration process chapter.
Mapping Regexes define the source template objects, the siteId Source template regex is used to define the site for the Site Suggestions in the migrations
All the other Mapping templates, Device Pools, Regions, Locations etc., use the Mapping regexes to determine the Site Suggestions
Tip - most Mapping Table common object used to create site suggestions is Device Pool, but the more objects are mapped the easier it is to determine migration object site allocation
Tip - most Mapping Table common object used to create site suggestions is Device Pool, but the more objects are mapped the easier it is to determine migration object site allocation
Depending on the dial plan migration option the CUCM configuration objects will be migrated using one of the four functions.
These options can also be overridden if required for any object type
The option for each object is either A
Clone (object will be cloned in target)
Map (the object will be mapped to target configured object)
Transform (the object will use transform template to update or add fields on an object)
Skip/Ignore (the object will not be migrated)
De-Duplicate and Clone Objects will be de-duplicated using a linked process before cloning.
Tip - If unsure what objects requires mapping (needs preconfiguration in target) the Source Type Action Defaults table will confirm all objects that require mapping for each dialplan migration type
Tip - If unsure what objects requires mapping (needs preconfiguration in target) the Source Type Action Defaults table will confirm all objects that require mapping for each dialplan migration type
Site Suggestion work in conjunction with Mapping Tables to define specific conditions to be met for creating sites. In example as per screen shot below, it is specified that Device Pools are mandatory for site suggestions and that there needs to be a minimum of 1 template match to create a site suggestion.
Tip - most common object used (default) to create site suggestions are Device Pools
Tip - most common object used (default) to create site suggestions are Device Pools
Schemas contain templates defining how objects are treated during a migration. The initial installation contain a Default schema, but customised schemas might be imported and used if required.
The Default schemas should not be altered - if for some reason changes are required, the default schema should be cloned and modifications performed on the clone only |
Note that these menu items are only visible within the migration
Note that these menu items are only visible within the migration
The Customer Screen display enables information regarding the customer to be added and modified as and if required in the Override Value column, then Save Changes
The source and target clusters are automatically defined after discovery for single source and target cluster migration.
The Clusters menu item displays information regarding the Source and Target Cluster interfaces and servers
Selecting the MainTargetCluster link displays information re the target cluster.
It is not recommended to change any value in the Cluster or other tabs here unless advised to by support
It is not recommended to change any value in the Cluster or other tabs here unless advised to by support
A default license must be defined for WxC-MT migration. The Licenses menu option displays defined default licenses for the current migration, and allows for the addition of new or removal of previously defined default licenses.
To add a default license, select from drop down, followed by +Add
To remove displayed license/s - select the X in red box adjacent to the license
The Roles menu option allows for the addition of required/ removal of previously defined WxC-MT Roles for the migration by selecting Roles to be added from the drop down followed by the +Add button and/or the removal of previously defined Roles for migration by selecting the X in Red Box
Location Numbers displays number ranges/ site post Site Allocations.
Selecting Edit Numbers link adjacent to each range will bring up details display where, under the Data tab, ranges may be edited if and as required in the Sources/Override Column
The History Tab tracks all changes/ allocations historically during migration
Allocation tab displays Allocated site for range
The Number Sources tab displays sources used for allocation of numbers to location
Sites are used to group the various configuration objects within the source cluster and are also selected for the migration batches
Site can be added manually or by using the site suggestions method.
The Sites menu item displays the sites that have been defined, and additionally allows for the creation of new sites as required
The Name Column displays the site name - to view and modify Site details, select the individual site name
The Select column allows for the selection/ deselection of sites to be migrated
The Group column allows for grouping of sites, which is required to run an Inter Dependency Report. This is described further under Reports below
The Bulk Select button allows for the bulk selection/ deselection of sites to be migrated
The Create New Site button allows for the creation of a new site manually
Site may also be Imported and Exported in CSV format for bulk updates of details, this is particularly useful when many sites for Grouping sites and also for adding Address details that are required for WxC-MT migrations as can be seen in below screenshot
The Ranges Option allows for the allocation to site of objects using number ranges in WxC-MT only.
To add a new range for allocation, select Quick Add Range, then under the new window, the DN or E164 range start and end number may be added as required then Save & Close selected
The Mapping Table option within the migration allows for the change of mappings on a per migration basis, then preview to check if the defined templates generate site suggestions as required. To check site suggestions for a particular mapping table option - select Preview table adjacent to required mapping source - in the below sample, we select Preview Table adjacent to Device Pools, although any of the Objects in the Name column can be used to generate sites.
TIP - Device Pool is generally the best object to create sites
TIP - Device Pool is generally the best object to create sites
Here we can see the Object Name (Device Pools in Source) and the Template/s that provides the match. We can also see that there is one objet name that is not matching a template - ‘Sel-Prov-DP’.
To create a template that matches the Device Pool, select the Device Pools link as highlighted in screenshot below which will open the mappings table.
If we now add a new template to try and match the DP that was not matched in original run, then Save and Preview, we can now see that the Device Pools match the new template.
Added in wrangler 2.6.5
Note that the LDAP correlator feature is only supported for transform object and is not supported for WxC-DI migration using clone, it is supported for
From Yarnman Version 2.6.5 there is an additional feature within Migration Mapping Tables allowing for selectable source attribute to use for mapping to target UserID. The use case for this is when the target CUCM LDAP uses a different AD server than source and a different LDAP attribute as UserID from the source is used in the target - for example if source cluster is LDAP synchronized to MS AD with the userID as samAccountName and target synced to Azure LDAP source and the userID is UPN.
To use the correlator functionality, select Mapping Tables from within the Migration (note that this only works as override within migration, not as a global mapping table option), then Create Mapping Table
Name the table ldap-user-correlator
Select the created ldap-user-correlator
In the first line under Mapping Table, in source column, type the name of the field to be used as LDAP source UserID that will be mapped to target UserID attribute, enter the Target UserID as userId then Save Changes noting that all entries are case sensitive.
Valid sources for UserID are the Wrangler field attributes userId, email (Mailid), directoryUri, userIdentity, ldapObjectId, customUserFields* , target will always be userId
*customUserFields uses the source CUCM LDAP Directory Custom User Fields to be used as the source UserID - in our sample, we have synchronised UserID AD attribute userPrincipalName as the Custom User Field and named it UPN. This would be entered in wrangler as customUserFields.UPN
The Number Ranges → Conflicts report shows objects with multiple site allocations
To view detail of object with conflicts and if required change allocation - select the link under the Object column, allowing for view and change
The Countries menu option allows for the view, add or modification of country details pertinent to countries where migrating sites resides. These settings are used for site country allocation
Select the country from the Identifier column to view and edit country specific details
Select Target Mappings menu item to view the status of all objects. The Target Mappings are divided into four object types:
● Map Types
● Transform Types (only for Template and Map migration option)
● Clone Types
● Skip Types
You can view the details of each object for each type.
Map types are objects that must be mapped from source to target clustter. The types show objects in Unmapped, Mapped, Skipped, Loaded state. During a migration you will be prompted to map the objects that are currently unmapped, all of these are highlighted in Yellow in Map Types (mandatory mappings) section under Source Cluster Objects, Unmapped, Customer headings and cannot progress until all mappings performed.
The mappings can be done from the prompts during migration, or from selecting Target Mappings, then selecting the object link here
Select the highlighted item from the Type column, to view the details of the object type. In the screenshot below the CUCM-REGION object is shown. From the screen we can see the umapped objects in yellow background and the mapped objects in green background
Use filters to limit the view as required. For example, to map New1-REG, enter Ne in Search source/ target name … filter box which will limit the view to only include New1-REG, we can then select available target objects from the Target Object drop down. In this instance we can see that only Default Region exist in target cluster. If we want to map New1-REG Region in source to Default region in target, we select Blue Box Update 1 Objects, then OK.
If many source objects to be mapped to a single target object, then use the filter boxes to limit the source objects as required, then slect Target object + Update X Objects.
If there are objects that should not be migrated, from the target object drop down, select Skip Target Binding
Transform Types are objects that are transformed during a Map or Template migration where the object needs to be transformed such as for example if a partition changes between source and target, all the objects that use that partition will be transformed to use the new target partition
As per the Map types, the Transform Types shows the migration status summary of all transform objects, Waiting, Transformed, Skipped and Moved state.
Clone Types are objects that are cloned from source to target
As per the Map types, the Clone Types shows the migration status summary of all clone objects, Waiting, Transformed, Skipped and Moved state.
Note that renaming of objects such as device pool is not fully automated for clone and is not recommended If you do rename device pools it should be done during clone on the cloned object but you will need to update every reference for the object i.e. for device pool each phone that references will need to be updated with the new name |
Skip types are objects that are skipped in the migration
Objects can also be set to skip using bulk change from v2.5.15 to version 2.5.24 by setting the targetId to Skip
From version 2.6.X objects are skipped in bulk change by selecting Skip As Source / Set Not Used? to True
Select Target Mappings menu item to view the status of all objects in a WxC-MT migration. The Target Mappings are here divided into:
Multi-Tenant Transforms
Skipped Types
Skipped Objects
Mappings are objects that must be mapped from source to target. The types show objects in Waiting, Skipped, Issues and Mapped state. During a migration you will be prompted to map the objects that are currently unmapped, all of these are highlighted in Yellow in Mappings section and cannot progress until all mappings performed.
These shows the status of objects that are transforming from CUCM format to WxC-MT format
These how types of objects that don’t have any mappings in the particular migration
Shows specific objects with no target mappings in the migration
Selecting Templates from the menu will display all templates in the schema used for the current migration. The templates define what treatment will be performed on a type of object during the migration.
The Name column contains the name of the individual templates that may be opened by selecting the same
Source Type column displays the source type of the corresponding template
The Group column displays the type of dialplan the template applies to
Country column specifies if the template applies to a particular country or any
ApplyOn clumn displays if template applies to Target or Source
Apply Every column displays the rule for where the template applies
To view or modify a template, select the link in the Name column which will bring up the detail of the Template in question. Here the template can be modified and a preview on the outcome of template be performed by selecting the Preview Template Button to verify the expected outcome prior to migration or for troubleshooting. If a template is modified here, using Override Template, this modification is only valid for current migration
Call types specifies all the different Global call types used in the Wrangler tempalte dial plan.
It is not advisable to modify or add to this unless advised by support |
The Object Browser can be accessed from menu by selecting Objects → Browse and is an essential tool during the migration process as it displays the status of and is used to display and modify any of the objects that are being migrated. A specific object can be searched for using the Search box where the object name or part of it can be entered. It is also possible to narrow down the view by using the filters.
To view a specific object select Edit link corresponding to the specific Object. To modify an object, specify the override value in the Override Value column corresponding to the parameter to be altered, then save
Below screenshot shows the detail for CUCM/WxC-DI object
WxC-MT Object Browse Specifics
Below screenshots show WxC-MT objects detail in tabs rather than WxC-DI/CUCM single page above- Under Data tab configuration may be changed/overridden , then saved
History & Sync tab details the migration change history for the object
Allocation Tab shows site allocation details for the object
The change tab displays the change steps that will be executed during load or manually using Preview Execute
The Dependencies & Dependents tab lists all dependencies and links to these objects
Mappings tab displays the CUCM to WxC-MT object mapping
The Objects->Additions menu item provides a facility to manually add an object for loading into target UC clusters using the + Create New Object button
The Change column shows the status of object with a green tick indicating that it has been migrated OK. A + sign or Update sign indicates that the corresponding object has not been added or updated in the Target cluster. If the object is selected it will bring up the Object Browser for the item with more detail for further investigation.
The Objects->Moves & Renames menu item will display all objects with an option to Ignore (do not move) or to map
Select the objects that should be modified, then modify as required and Save Changes
The Objects->Configure Actions menu item will display the action taken for a particular object type during the migration being. If performing a change here, it will only be valid for the current migration.
Clone - the object being cloned from source to target
Map - The object is mapped from source to target object
Skip - The object is not being migrated
It is not advisable to alter the action for objects without consulting support |
The Objects → Clones & Transforms menu displays all objects that have been Cloned & Transformed. The top right of the screen shows if any objects with issues. Filters can be used to narrow down the displayed objects. If the object is selected it will bring up the object summary detail screen with a link to Object Browser for the item with more detail for further investigation.
The Objects → Dialplan report displays all Dialplan objects status when performing a Template Dial plan migration. The Status column shows the current status of each objects. A Green tick adjacent to object means that it has been loaded OK. Any objects with a + Sign has not been loaded. To investigate a Dialplan object, select it from the Object column which will bring up a detailed view in the Object Browser.
Menu item Objects - > SIP Trunks will show an SIP trunk includd in the migration. Select the Edit link adjacent to SIP trunk to watch detail for the trunk in Object Browser.
The Ignoring Rules report will show any Rules that have been selected to be ignored (skipped) post initial validation steps. Individual ignored rules may be investigated by selecting the Edit link adjacent to object in question which will show detail view of it in the Object Browser. The report may be Exported using the Export link in top right hand corner above of the table
Menu item Objects → Users Missing Email displays any users that are missing Email, Select the link to individual user to bring up Object Browser with more detail and to resolve as required. The report may be Exported using the Export link in top right hand corner above of the table
Menu item Dialplan → Configuration allows for configuration changes to Dial plan default settings
Item | Values | Description |
Schema Configuration | ||
Target Schema | Default Schema <Custom Schemas> | Select schema to use. Default Schema or any created custom schemas |
Target Dialplan | HcsDialPlan-T4 simplifiedDialplan | Select dialplan to use for Template Migration |
Dialplan Configuration | Push Dialplan From Template Clone Source Dialplan Use Existing Dialplan / Do No…. | Selection of migration model |
Transform Templates & Clone Settings | ||
Update matching LDAP users | Update or Create Create Only | Assert Option for LDAP users in target CUCM cluster |
Update Matching Objects | Update or Create Add | Assert optin for all transform objects except users in target CUCM cluster |
Default Migraton Point/ Change-At-Settings | ||
Generated Dialplan Objects - Customer | Before Any Sites Loaded (Default) During Site Load After All Sites Loaded | Stage that Dialplan objects are loaded |
Generated Dialplan Objects - Site | Before Any Sites Loaded During Site Load (Default) After All Sites Loaded | Stage that Dialplan objects are loaded |
Generated Cloned Objects - Customer | Before Any Sites Loaded (Default) During Site Load After All Sites Loaded | Stage that Dialplan objects are loaded |
Generated Cloned Objects - Site | Before Any Sites Loaded During Site Load (Default) After All Sites Loaded | Stage that Dialplan objects are loaded |
Generated Transformed Objects - Customer | Before Any Sites Loaded (Default) During Site Load After All Sites Loaded | Stage that Dialplan objects are loaded |
Generated Transformed Objects - Site | Before Any Sites Loaded During Site Load (Default) After All Sites Loaded | Stage that Dialplan objects are loaded |
Prefix Templates | ||
Customer Prefix | C${customerid} (Default) | This will be used before many objects from the template. ${prefix}-PT / ${prefix}-CSS >> C01-PT C01-CSS |
Site Prefix | C${customerId}S${siteIndexPadded2Char} (Default) | This will be used before many objects from the template. ${prefix}-PT / ${prefix}-CSS >> C01S01-PT C01S01-CSS |
General Configuration | ||
Source Directory URI Partition | Directory URI (Default) | This is used for filtering and matching the Directory URI partition in some circumstances. |
*There are additional values available to select in the Default Migraton Point/ Change-At-Settings Values column but only the most common selections shown here.
The Dialplan → Routing Analysis selection will provide a Routing Analysis of Dialplan filtered as required on
DN range
Issues for Update
Find All for Update
To download the report, select the Download XLSX Report button
Displays all Infra Numbers with detail displaying the Source Object (with Link to Object detail), Allocated Site, Migration Status, Type (Title), DN, DN Path, E164, E164 Path, CC, Area and Mapped Target
The Number Ranges → DN report shows all discovered DN ranges/ site and size of the range> to Edit a range, select the Edit Range link adjacent to the corresponding DN range.
An individual DN range may be added by selecting the + Add DN Range button
DN ranges may be bulk changed by selecting the Bulk Change/Edit DN Ranges button, then select Download XLSX report, modify as required, then upload the modified report using the Upload XLSX Report selection
To download the report, select the Download XLSX Report button
The Number Ranges → E164 report shows all discovered E164 ranges and DN range/ site and size of the range. to Edit a range, select the Edit Range link adjacent to the corresponding DN range
An individual DN range may be added by selecting the + Add E164 Range button
DN ranges may be bulk changed by selecting the Bulk Change/Edit DN Ranges button, then select Download XLSX report, modify as required, then upload the modified report using the Upload XLSX Report selection
To download the report, select the Download XLSX Report button
To download the report, select the Download XLSX Report button
The Number Ranges → E164 report shows all invalid E164 ranges discovered
To download the report, select the Download Report button
The Conflicts menu option shows all DN and E164 ranges overlapping and conflicting with other ranges. Ranges may be opened and edited, Auto Resolve or delete duplicates
The Transformation → Renumbering option allows for the transformation of existing individual numbers or number ranges as part of the migration and should be performed post prepare step and prior to load as it can only be applied to target objects
Select +Create Renumbering Plan
Enter Pattern Start and Range Size (1,100,1000 supported), then populate filter boxes as required including what type of devices in range to exclude from renumbering, enter New DN and New E164 Mask followed by Search & Find Objects
Note : Known bug in 2.5.21, do not use Filter object By Route Partitions |
All impacted numbers and associated will display. Object types can be unselected if required, also any individual item can be unselected by selecting Transform toggle adjacent to the item. When all adjusted as required, select Apply Renumbering
Displays UCXN users with a voicemail box
The Reports → Step Changes report provides a report providing all changes performed in each migration step
To initiate, select Generate Step Changes Report which will generate a report that may be downloaded by selecting the link, then opened in Excel. The individual steps changes may be viewed by selecting relevant tab.
Depending on the cluster/s size this report may take some time to generate |
The Reports → Orphaned Objects report is initiated by selecting Generate Orphaned Objects which will generate a report that may be downloaded by selecting the link, then opened in Excel. The individual orphand object types may be viewed by selecting relevant tab.
The Reports → Service & Enterprise Settings report is initiated by selecting Generate Service & Enterprise Settings which will generate a report that may be downloaded by selecting the link, then opened in Excel. The Service & Enterprise Settings may be viewed by selecting relevant tab.
The Reports → CSS Usage option will generate a report on CSS usage in the source cluster that may be downloaded and viewed in Excel. There are individual Tabs for CSS Usage Objects, CSS Usage and Unused CSSs
Uses the dialling forest DA dump from DNA to compare the source and target dial plans to ensure all patterns are present. To generate the report from menu, select Reports → Dialing Forest then select Generate
Report may be downloaded by selecting the link and may also be viewed by selecting the Report X tab
Expand as required
Extracts dialling patterns from CDR for cross reference to ensure historical patterns dialled are available on the target cluster. Select Reports → CDR Dialing Forest then select Generate to run the report. Noting that there must be a CDR file loaded to server in CDR path (path may be found in Settings)
The Reports → Reconcile Clusters report initiates a report to reconcile any differences between the source and target clusters
the report may be run for specific sites, Migration points or complete reconcile
A complete reconcile will take some time to perform depending on cluster size as it interrrogates source and target clusters |
Select Source & Target Objects to view differences
Select Generate Dialplan Connections to generate Dial Plan Connections report. When completed select the link to download the Excel spreadsheet
New feature in 2.5.15
The Inter Site Dependency report option flags dependencies between migration batches. The intended usage for this report is for Phased migration to get an indication of dependant objects that will cause a problem during a phased migration, such as Line Groups with members in different migration batches etc. giving a chance to rectify these in advance of running the prepare step.
Select Inter-Site Dependencies, press generate and select the site group to generate Inter-Site Dependencies report. When completed review the results
Site groups are required for this feature to add sites to a site groups add via sites or bulk changes. To allocate a site to a group - use the Sites menu, then select group, then populate with a number. All sites that should be migrated in the same batch to be given the same number
No Site Groups - You must have assigned at least one site to a site-group to check its inter-site dependencies.
Site groups are required for this feature to add sites to a site groups add via sites or bulk changes. To allocate a site to a group - use the Sites menu, then select group, then populate with a number. All sites that should be migrated in the same batch to be given the same number
No Site Groups - You must have assigned at least one site to a site-group to check its inter-site dependencies.
Example report with inter-site issues
To view the issues click on view dependants and either adjust the object allocation or site group
Example report with no inter-site issues
This menu item allows for bulk update of object migration status. Any objects that are flagged as duplicate issues during the migration can be bulk updated here. There are four tabs
Source duplicates on Primary Key - these are objects flagged as identical duplicates for consolidation, where the 2 (or more) source clusters have objects with same primary key and identical configuration
Source duplicates with unique configuration - these are objects where 2 or more source clusters have same name primary key but different configuration
Target duplicates on Primary key - these are duplicate objects between source and target with identical configuration
Target duplicates with unique configuration - these are duplicate objects between source and destination, but with different configuration
select required tab with data, then select action for the object groups using check box and if consolidating clusters select the Source Cluster object to use or for duplicates between source and target Ignore Source to keep object in target unchanged or Update Target Object to update target with source configuration, then select the Bulk Update button to perform the change
The number mappings option provides an export of all number mappings for numbers associated to object types and their target mappings
To run the report, select Generate Number Mappings Export which will create a spreadsheet ready for download by clicking on the File link under Files header
Sample Downloaded report screenshot belows
Bulk changes may be used to bulk change objects in Wrangler or to create a Migration point Change
To perform a Bulk Change of objects select Bulk Changes from Migration Plan menu, then + Create Bulk Change
Select the object or objects to bulk change, select the cluster and any filter required, then select Search & Find Objects
Any objects matching search criteria will be displayed. To remove a row, right click on row, then select Remove Row
Select Next
On the next screen perform changes as required, then select Review Bulk Changes
Specifically to skip objects for migration, - select Skip from targetId drop down as per below screenshot
The Review screen will be displayed. If as required, select Apply Bulk Changes, changes may be previewed by selecting Preview Change
Note that if performing bulk change moving objects to Site from customer level, ensure to also select ‘Change At’ to ‘During Site Load' or alternatively if moving objects from Site to Customer level, set site to null and ‘Change At’ to 'Before any Sites Loaded’
Note that if performing bulk change moving objects to Site from customer level, ensure to also select ‘Change At’ to ‘During Site Load' or alternatively if moving objects from Site to Customer level, set site to null and ‘Change At’ to 'Before any Sites Loaded’
The migration change point provides a way to run in isolation any specific work flow task based on the migration change point and optional Site(s)
It can also be used for roll back of configuration
To Create a Migration point change point, select Bulk Changes from Migration Plan menu, then Create a Migration point change.
Select the Change Point to perform the change at, select Execute. If change should be forced irrespoective of errors encountered, select the corresponding checkbox to YES, then select Start Migration Point Bulk Change to perform the change
TIP - Migration Point 'Change At' will generally be During Site Load or Before Any Sites Loaded
TIP - Migration Point 'Change At' will generally be During Site Load or Before Any Sites Loaded
The Wrangler tool includes a tool to reset ITL certificates on phones to enable registration of end devices in target cluster*
From Menu select ITL Reset → Reset, then select the cluster from which the devices ITL reset should occur, then select the site and if required model of phone, then select Load Phones
Note that it is preferred to use Certificate consolidation rather than the ITL reset function |
Phones meeting the criteria will be displayed, individual phones may be unselected by selecting the Selected link adjacent to the phone.
When ready, select Run ITL Reset which will reset the certificates on the selected end devices
The workbook is used for WxC-MT migration to facilitate (bulk) changes to data prior to loading configuration into the Webex Cloud.
To use, select Export Objects, then select the type of objects that should be downloaded for alterations and any filters to narrow export if required
Then Select Generate Export Workbook that will generate a spreadsheet with the requested object ready for download, select the link to download
Open the Excel spreadsheet and modify as required, the save + Import the sheet back to Wrangler
To Import, select Import Object Changes, then Choose File to upload and Import Object Changes
The ITL Reset → ITL Scripts menu item will display a list of end device types. To view the ITL or CTL reset script for a particular phone model, select the adjacent ‘Eye’
The Script for the end device will be displayed. The default model scripts can not be modified, but may be duplicated to create a copy that can then be modified as required
On the duplicate, modify actions as required, then select Update after which the created modified script may be used
The created duplicate will be displayed
Imported data from source clusters are validated against preset validation rules. These rules may be enabled or disabled by selecting Rules from the menu, to disable or enable individual rules, select the relevant check box - YES enables the rule, NO disables the rule
Information of what the rules mean and suggested actions to resolve the same mat be found here |
The Tasks menu item will display all the individual task steps that have been performed by Wrangler. Additionally, tasks include an option to Delete or Reset current Migration.
The details of each task may be viewed by selecting the corresponding Completed link.
From the detail, the Events tab may be selected which will display all the events and errors pertaining to the task
To Delete current Migration in Wrangler, select Delete Migration.
To Reset the current migration, select Reset Migration. This will delete the current migration data, but keep the selected source and target cluster and migration mode ready for restarting it from the Migration main menu
Warning - Take care in using these options as it will delete the current migration from Wrangler database |