Validation Rule


Suggested Solution

Migration to WxC-DI requires at least one target cluster.

A Target WxC-DI cluster has not been defined

Delete migration from Tasks menu item. Then reinitiate migration ensuring that Source and target interfaces selected.

Target cluster must have equal or greater CUCM version that source cluster(s).

Source cluster/s have a later version than target cluster

Not a supported migration

Source interfaces (clusters) need to be mapped to a default target cluster.

Source cluster have not been mapped to target cluster

Rectify and restart migration

Site(s) country must be added to the migration.

Required country not added

Using the drop down adjacent to validation issue to add country

Configuration Warning - Some CISCO device models are deprecated in some versions.

Some device models configured in source clusters have been deprecated and not supported in target cluster

Select Skip Deprecated Devices For Migration button adjacent to issue.

If required, configure phone device manually in target with supported end device

Configuration Warning - Some CISCO device models are not available in the target system.

Missing device pack for device in target

Device pack to be loaded in target or device skipped in migration + rediscover migration

Configuration Warning - Some CISCO phone security profiles models are not available in the target system.

Phone security profile for a migrating phone not available in the target

Device pack to be loaded in target + rediscover migration

or select ‘Skip Security Profile for Migration’ button if not required in migration

Verify directory URI Alias partition between source and target clusters.

Directory URI Alias Partition in Enterprise Parameter different in source and target

Create a Route Partition in the target with the same name as the one used in the source ‘Enterprise Directory URI Alias Partition’ parameter and add this Route Partition to target CUCM Enterprise parameter 'Directory URI Alias Partition + rediscover migration

The security license is required on the target cluster.

phone security profiles and/ or SIP trunk security profile have security mode set to authenticated or encrypted which is not licensed in target cluster

The security license is required on the target cluster. Load in target CUCM + rediscover migration

Check source and target cluster. Clusters UUID must be different

Same cluster has been selected for both source and target

Change Target cluster

Target cluster supported version is 12.5 and above

Target cluster version is not supported < 12.5

Upgrade Target cluster to version 12.5 or higher

Check if CRS is enabled in source and target cluster. If IPCC extension are populated

Discovered IPCC extension in source and no CRS configured in target

Disable validation rule if UCCX not to be migrated or ensure it is integrated to target

Site must have a target cluster selected.

Target cluster not defined for site

From Sites menu select site/s without target cluster - select the target cluster from drop down, save + revalidate

Site must have at least one source CUCM

Source cluster not defined for site

From Sites menu select site/s without target cluster - select source CUCM’s from drop down , save + revalidate

Site must have a country selected.

Country not defined for site

Select site country from drop down adjacent to issue or for multiple sites, bulk change. Alternatively, country can be allocated to site from Sites menu

Site must have a time zone selected.

TZ not defined for site

Select site TZ from drop down adjacent to issue or for multiple sites, bulk change. Alternatively, TZ can be allocated to site from Sites menu

Site must have a user-locale for WxC-MT

Select correct User Locale from drop down

Site must have correct address fields for WxC-MT

Required address details for WxC-MT location not complete

Select from drop down to enter address details manually or can be made in bulk from Menu items Sites, by export site CSV, complete details and Import

Configuration warning - Users without email are present in this migration.

Warning that some users are missing email address

Select Blue button ‘Resolve Invalid Users' to display the users that don’t have email allocated, then rectify users in source CUCM as required, followed by Fast Sync or Rediscover.

Note that this is a warning only and will not impede migration, thus if not an issue select Red Button - ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’

Source and target mapped object must equal site allocations.

One or more source objects flagged as not mapped to site

Map using the 'Manually Resolve Unmapped’ button next to issue or from menu item Target Mappings

Source objects template mapping is orphaned or invalid.

Objects have changed since mapping was originally executed

Remap the object

Map types must be mapped to a target object or skipped.

Map type object (object requiring mapping) must be mapped or if not required skipped

Map the source object to target Using ‘Manually Resolve Unmapped’ button next to issue or from menu item Target Mappings. There must be a target object to map to, if no object to map to in the target and the object is required, configure the missing object in Target and Re Discover Migration

If the mapped object is not required it may be skipped under Target Mappings

Transform types must be mapped to a template or skipped.

Transform type object (object requiring mapping) must be mapped or if not required skipped

Map the source object to target Using ‘Manually Resolve Unmapped’ button next to issue or from menu item Target Mappings. There must be a target object to map to, if no object to map to in the target and the object is required, configure the missing object in Target and Re Discover Migration

If the mapped object is not required it may be skipped under Target Mappings

Object can only be executed (add,update,clone) after its dependencies have.

Object tries execute before dependencies

Use the Button adjacent to the flagged object issue to either change the object to move ‘Change At’ to same change point as dependent object/s Change Point or alternatively use the button for the dependent object/s to move ‘Change At’ to same Change Point as the flagged object

Configuration Warning - Users without Lines are present in this migration.

Warning only that there are users without lines in migration

Select Blue button ‘Resolve Invalid Users' to display the users that don’t have line allocated and rectify as required

Or if not an issue select Red Button - ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’

Configuration Warning - Users without Devices are present in this migration.

Warning only that there are users without devices in migration

Select Blue button ‘Resolve Invalid Users' to display the users that don’t have device allocated and rectify as required

Or if not an issue select Red Button - ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’

Configuration Warning - User with primary line defined but no associated devices or device profiles

CUCM-USER with prilary line configured but no associated devices

This will stop user from migrating - select the bulk fix button to remove primary line from the user

Configuration Warning - Detected local users with same MailId or Directory URI as LDAP users in target cluster

A local user in target have same mailId as a CUCM-USER in the source

Select the bulk change fix button to remove the mailId from the user to allow it o load into target cluster

Configuration Warning - Phones and Devices without Lines are present in this migration.

Warning only that there are Phones or other devices without lines in migration. As it is not possible to have 2 users in target system with same mailId, this will stop user from migrating

Select Blue button ‘Resolve Invalid Phones' to display the Phones/Devices that don’t have line allocated and rectify as required

Or if not an issue select Red Button - ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’

Configuration Warning - Phones and Devices without External Number Mask - E164 are present in this migration.

Warning only that there are Phones or other devices without E164 mask

Select Blue button ‘Resolve Invalid Phones' to display the Phones/Devices that don’t have E164 mask allocated on line and rectify as required

Or if not an issue select Red Button - ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’

Configuration Warning - There are devices to be added that have Pending Certificate Operation that needs to be updated to allow device to be added.

Warning that there are devices that have pending certificate update - the device may never have been plugged in or not plugged in since certificate update performed

Select the Blue button 'Set to “No Pending Operation” adjacent to the issue

Configuration Warning - CUCM-PHONE has a self reference for primary phone that needs to be removed to allow loading

A device has primary device configured referencing itself in source CUCM. This is incorrect configuration and will stop the phone device from loading to target

Select the Bulk fix button to remove the configuration in Wrangler to allow loading of the object

CUCM-PONE has line with intercom line (Only available in Clone Migration)

An Intercom line exist with incorrect ring setting exist that will stop the device from loading in target cluster

Select Bulk fix button to clear the ring setting and allow phone device to migrate

Configuration Warning - EM Profile need to be allocated to sites.

There are EM Device Profiles that have not been allocated to a site

If this is the first validation warning for the migration, prior to Site suggestions have been completed, then first complete Site Suggestions and reallocation before solving.

If Validation rule trips post Site allocation, select the View link nect to the object which will open page displaying the EM/s. From there open link to Object Browse for the individual EM/s then allocate CUCM-EM to site in Override Column and Save

Configuration Warning - Lines without Phones are present in this migration.

Warning only that there are lines without phones in migration

Select Blue button ‘Resolve Invalid Lines' to display the orphan lines and rectify as required

Or if not an issue select Red Button - ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’

Configuration Warning - CTI Route Points are present in this migration.

Warning only that there are CTI Route Points part of migration

Select ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’ noting that any associated third party system must be configured manually (the CTI Route Point config in CUCM is migrated)

Configuration Warning - CTI Ports are present in this migration.

Warning only that there are CTI Ports part of migration

Select ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’ noting that any associated third party system must be configured manually (the CTI Port config in CUCM is migrated)

Configuration Warning - Recording Profile are present in this migration.

Warning only that there are Recording Profiles part of migration

Select ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’ noting that any associated recording third party system must be configured manually (the recording profile config in CUCM is migrated)

Configuration Warning - Transcoders are present in this migration.

Warning only that there are Transcoders part of migration

Select ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’ noting that Wrangler UCMC does not migrate transcoder config

Configuration Warning - MTP IOS media type is present in this migration.

Warning only that there are MTP IOS part of migration

Select ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’ noting that Wrangler UCMC does not migrate MTP IOS config

Configuration Warning - Conference Bridges are present in this migration.

Warning only that there are Conference Bridges part of migration

Select ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’ noting that Wrangler UCMC does not migrate Conference Bridge Config

Configuration Warning - Unsupported Voicemail Ports are present in this migration.

Warning only that there are Voice Mail Ports part of migration

Select ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’ noting that Wrangler UCMC does not migrate Voice Mail Ports

Configuration Warning - Device Pools with Elin Group are present in this migration.

Warning that there are ELIN groups part of source configuration

Select ‘Disable Rule and Clear Issue’

noting that Wrangler UCMC does not migrate ELIN groups

Configuration Warning - Jabber mobile devices must have correct MaxNumCalls value set for the version.

Jabber device in source have MaxNumCalls for line set to unsupprted value (max 2 in CUCM >=12)

Select the 'Resolve with Bulk Change' button

Configuration Warning - Jabber mobile devices must have correct DND configuration set

Incorrect DND setting for target cluster stopping Jabber device from loading in target cluster

Select Bulk Fix button to clear the incorrect setting

Configuration Warning - User and Network locales has to be present in the target system as well.

Detected that User or Network Locales used in source system not present in target

Install required Locales in target

the Rediscover migration

Source template objects need to be allocated to sites when match is set to mandatory.

The object has not been associated with a site

If this is the first validation warning for the migration, prior to Site suggestions have been completed, then first complete Site Suggestions and reallocation before solving.

If Validation rule trips post Site allocation, select the View link nect to the object which will open page displaying the Objects. From there open link to Object Browser for the individual Object/s then allocate to site in Override Column and Save

Configuration Warning - Unity User/Mailbox must have a user template in order to match to a target.

One or more User/ Mailbox in source UCXN config does not match a template in source

Create template in source that match the config of user mailbox, then rediscover

or skip and configure user mailbox manually in target UCXN

Configuration Warning - UCXN Tenants are not supported yet.

Warning that Wrangler UCMC does not support Tenants

Not Supported - manual config required in target UCXN

CUCM-USER objects which are LDAP integrated have a diffrent LDAP directory than target object.

Warning that LDAP directory config is different in source from target

Map required if name different in target from source

CUCM-USER objects which are LDAP integrated should have a target object that is also LDAP integrated.

Warning that LDAP user objects are different in target from source

Resync CUCM source + target and Rediscover migration

CUCM-ROUTE-PATTERN have a destination field that can be either routelist or gateway, but never both.



Wrangler UCMC have detected that there is SKT template/s that refernces a base template in the source that does not exist in the target cluster

Select the View button to go to Object Browser for the SKT/s in question. There change the Base Template to one that exist in target cluster using the Override drop down

Source cluster CUCM-ACCESS-CONTROL-GROUP has custom ranks, these must be copied manually to the target cluster

User Ranks other than default >1 configured in source cluster

Ensure corresponding User Ranks configured in target - after completed, run rediscovery or disable validation rule

Orphaned CUCM-REMOTE-DESTINATION exists in source and cannot be migrated

Orphaned RD’s in source

Select Bulk change to clear

Orphaned CUCM-REMOTE-DEST-PROFILE exists in target and cannot be migrated

Orphaned RDP’s in source

Select Bulk change to clear

Orphaned CUCM-TOD-ACCESS exists in source and cannot be migrated

Orphaned TOD’s in source

Select Bulk change to clear

Orphaned CUCM-TIME-SCHEDULE exists in target and cannot be migrated

Orphaned TS in source

Select Bulk change to clear

Orphaned CUCM-HUNT-PILOT with invalid configuration, CUCM-HUNT-LIST missing and cannot be migrated

Hunt Pilot without Hunt List

Select Skip

CUCM-SERVICE-PROFILE directory password contains special characters that causes AXL error (CSCvz61706).

Invalid characters in password

Map Service Profile- disable rule

Rank mapping requirements for WxC-DI requires that LDAP users are synchronised to rank >=5

In WxC-DI there is a requirement that all Enterprise users imported through an LDAP sync agreement are given a User Rank of 5. This validation rule detects if the LDAP directory agreement in target has default rank value set to 5 or higher

Set value of LDAP directory Rank in WxC-DI to 5 and rediscover migration

Note that User Rank 5 have to be configured in the target first

System default CUCM-ACCESS-CONTROL-GROUPs have dependent users and must be cloned due to rank mapping requirement for WxC-DI (end users and ACGs User Rank must be >= 5)

This is displayed if in consecutive validation post mapping of User Rank in Wrangler, Target Mapping, have been mapped from existing to 5

Select the Red button to create cloned ACG groups with mapped user Rank values (5) for support in WxC-DI

CUCM -USERS with userRank too low for WxC-DI

user rank value for CUCM users have a value that is lower than 5 - user rank 5 is the value in WxC Di for Enterprise Users

This is flagged during initial validation -

Ensure User Rank values supported by users in target WxC-DI (3-5) are configured or if not configured ensure to do this, then rediscover migration

If the users should be changed to 5, in Target mapping, map existing USER-RANK currently used by ACG’s and users, normally Default 1, to new value in target which would normally be 5 in target

if the user rank should remain as is - might not be supported in WxC-DI, disable rule.

Source UCXN-CALL-HANDLER-TEMPLATES must match recipient type of the target they are mapped too

UCXN call handler templates with User Mailbox not existing in target

Create UCXN Call handler template with User Mailbox in Target

Cluster Consolidation - Sites must have different names.

In cluster consolidation, there are 2 of more source sites with the same name

Rename duplicate site name in Wrangler UCMC

Cluster Consolidation - Different length of Directory Numbers has been detected.

Warning only in cluster consolidation migration where two or more of source clusters have different length DN’s

Change number ranges as required using Transformation Renumbering option (not in MA)

or ‘Disable rule and clear issue' if it is not an issue

Cluster Consolidation - Directory Numbers duplicates has been detected.

Duplicate DN’s detected in Cluster Consolidation migration

Open Duplicate in Object Browse and change DN - Save

Cluster Consolidation - duplicates on primary key

Duplicate object with same configuration detected in source clusters

Select the object to be used for migration. If other object also needs migration, modify primary key in source + rediscovery

Cluster Consolidation - duplicates with unique configuration

Duplicate object with unique configuration detected in source clusters

Select the object to be used for migration. If other object also needs migration, modify primary key in source + rediscovery

Cluster Consolidation - target duplicates on primary key

Duplicate object with same configuration detected in target cluster

Select Ignore Source

Cluster Consolidation - target duplicates with unique configuration

Duplicate object with unique configuration detected in target cluster

Select Update Target if the target object should be updated with configuration from source, always for ldap users and generally would be the selection for all objects, or select ignore source if the target object shall remain as is (If in doubt select Update Target)

Flags all the customer level objects that are not allocated to a site

Validation rule to display objects that are at customer level - ie not allocated to a site

No action required after initial validation but if objects are flagged post site allocation step:

Verify that site mapping completed for all sites as required then reallocate

or use bulk change to allocate objects to site as required

or if objects flagged should remain at customer level - Disable rule and clear issue

Configuration Warning - Migration Plan should have at lease one person license in the list

A default license must exist in the WxC-MT

Select required default licenses from drop down

WXC-PERSON and WXC-WORKSPACE must have numbers that are present in site number-ranges

Detected that WXC-PERSON or WXC-WORKSPACE that have numbers that are not present for site allocated

Select Bulk Change button to add the range to site, or alternatively if incorrect open object and change number as required

WXC-PERSON and WXC-WORKSPACE must have uniq numbers

Detected WXC-PERSON or WXC-WORKSPACE with conflicting numbers

Allocate numbers as required to ensure unique

WXC-PERSON and WXC-WORKSPACE extension can’t be longer than 6 digits

Detected WXC-PERSON or WXC-WORKSPACE with extension number longer than 6 digits

Change numbers to comply

WXC-PERSON must have at least 1 item in phoneNumbers

WXC-PERSON must have valid emails

Add email details as required to object WXC-PERSON

WXC-LOCATION must have address line and city populated before adding or updating

Select the manually resolve in Site to add address details manually or can be made in bulk from Menu items Sites, by export site CSV, complete details and Import

WXC-LOCATION must have a valid postcode before adding or updating

Select the manually resolve in Site to add address details manually or can be made in bulk from Menu items Sites, by export site CSV, complete details and Import

WXC-LOCATION must have a valid ISO 1366-2 state before adding or updating

Select the manually resolve in Site to add address details manually or can be made in bulk from Menu items Sites, by export site CSV, complete details and Import

WXC-LOCATION must have a valid 1366-1 2-digit country code before adding or updating

Select the manually resolve in Site to add address details manually or can be made in bulk from Menu items Sites, by export site CSV, complete details and Import

Number Ranges E164 numbers must have the same countryCode as their Site country

Edit in numbers as required

WXC-LOCATION must have a valid timezone that matches its country

Select valid TZ from drop down

Rank mapping requirements for WxC-MT requires that users are synchronized to rank >= to 5

WXC Multi-Tenant Transform objects must be allocated to a site

Allocate to site as required in Object Browse

CUCM Pickup Group that is being transformed has nested pickup groups

Remove nested pick up group from Object

NUMBER from object has an invalid DN and/or E164 that needs manual intervention

Number is invalid for deployment to WxC-MT

Skip Target to skip this number for migration; or

Select Target number to link to existing number in the target WxC-MT; or

Force Target to force deployment of the number into WxC-MT (may not work)

Note that if Full National Number (FNN) normalisation is used (added in 2.6.7) allocation must be run again after sites are created and country set

CUCM-PHONE is missing owner but has a single user association.

Detected 5 CUCM-PHONEs missing owner with a SINGLE user association, correction of "ownerUser" might be required.

Added in 2.6.7 for WxC-MT

This rule flags any CUCM-PHONE that does not have the ownerId set which may be caused by missing data and have found that there are links/edges to a single user

The results of this view require manual verification and correction

On the CUCM-PHONE object there is a new section Discovered User Associations

Note that not all object flagged will require correction


If this CUCM-PHONE should be associated to a user update the Owner User field in the CUCM-PHONE object - this will change the transformation from WXC-WORKSPACE to WXC-PERSON


The validation rule will need to be disabled if false postives are flagged

The validation rule will need to be disabled if false postives are flagged

CUCM-PHONE is missing owner but has multiple user associations.

Detected 1 CUCM-PHONEs missing owner with MULTIPLE user associations, correction of "ownerUser" might be required.

Added in 2.6.7 for WxC-MT

This rule flags any CUCM-PHONE that does not have the ownerId set which may be caused by missing data and have found that there are links/edges to multiple users

The results of this view require manual verification and correction

On the CUCM-PHONE object there is a new section Discovered User Associations

Note that not all object flagged will require correction


If this CUCM-PHONE should be associated to a user update the Owner User field in the CUCM-PHONE object - this will change the transformation from WXC-WORKSPACE to WXC-PERSON


The validation rule will need to be disabled if false postives are flagged

The validation rule will need to be disabled if false postives are flagged

Line-like (pattern/partition) object has pattern with overlapping partitions with other objects.

Detected 24 line-like objects that have overlapping partitions with other objects.

Added in 2.6.7 for WxC-MT

This rule flags any overlapping dialplan objects including the null partition

This rul will flag any overlapping objects that are line-line (DN+PT)


The validation rule will need to be disabled

Detected 9 unallocated system call-handlers.

Added in 2.6.7 for WxC-MT

This rule flags any system call handlers that are not allocated

Either manually allocate or use allocate by ranges

Detected X CUCM-USER with lines (LAAP) duplicates

Duplicate LAAP detected for user that prevents loading of user

Select link, to open detail of issue, then select the Resolve button
