Listing some common problems and solutions during discovery
Version seen: 2.5.21
Error: assert-number-range
This can be caused during rediscovery when a site has been deleted since initial discovery
Solution: Hotfix modifying file assert-cucm-number-ranges.js as per below
Log in ssh to yarnman server
at prompt, type sudo nano /opt/yarnlab/yarnman/workflow-service/helpers/migration/cucm/assert-cucm-number-ranges.js
Line 90 needs to change from if (siteId == 'undefined') { to if (siteId == 'undefined' || !siteLookup[siteId]) {
When change done Ctrl O to write, then Ctrl X to exit editor
Then type sudo pm2 restart all
Log in to Wrangler and restart execution
Version seen: 2.5.21
'StatusCodeError: 404 - {"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}',
Solution: Hotfix modifying file fast-cucm-syncer.js
Log in ssh to yarnman server
at prompt, type sudo nano /opt/yarnlab/yarnman/workflow-service/helpers/migration/cucm/fast-cucm-syncer.js
Line 310 needs to change from
await this.task.logError('unable-to-remove', `Object "${uuid}" of type "${sourceType}" had an unexpected error while trying to mark removed.`, { err });
await this.task.logWarn('unable-to-remove', `Object "${uuid}" of type "${sourceType}" had an unexpected error while trying to mark removed.`, { _id, err });
When change done Ctrl O to write, then Ctrl X to exit editor
Then type sudo pm2 restart all
Log in to Wrangler and restart Discovery
Version seen: All Versions
Normally this is caused by bad phone data in CUCM - AXL listPhone is OK but getPhone fails, generating error as per below sample
"cluster": {
"id": "8df01a33c979cef84f32ed0ed1001f73",
"name": "CorningSourceInterface",
"axlVersion": "11.5"
"err": {
"error": "",
"reason": "Unexpected AXL Error",
"errorType": "AXL Interface",
"clientShouldBackoff": false,
"requestMethod": "getPhone",
"axlStatusCode": 500,
"axlFaultCode": "soapenv:Server",
"detail": {
"axlError": {
"axlcode": "-1",
"axlmessage": null,
"request": "getPhone"
"rawInputs": {
"attributes": {
"uuid": "{32B2F3DD-C406-5E36-8198-E503F0C44990}"
Solution: Perform Save in CUCM for the Phone Device in question. To find the offending phone in CUCM,
Copy uuid (highlighted in sample above) from error code in Wrangler then paste this (converted into lower case) into CUCM GUI as https://<CUCM IP Address>/ccmadmin/
this should bring up the CUCM phone device causing issue - select Save in CUCM Phone Configuration
When completed, Restart Discovery in Wrangler
Version seen: 2.5.21
This can occur if there is an invalid siteId in the migration.
Solution: Hotfix , contact support for hotfix from ticket
Version Seen : Yarnman Version 2.5.X and CUCM 14su3 or newer
This issue occur because an AXL change for getLine from CUCM version 14su3
Solution: Hotfix , contact support for hotfix from ticket [YMN-5574] UCMC - Discovery Error target CTI RP Line Error Setting A of CUCM-LINE must be string try set Object - JIRA (