When running very large wrangler_ migrations, many wrangler_ migrations simultaneously or during a short timespan from the same server, it may be prudent to increase the size of some partitions on the server as it may otherwise cause problems, or in worst case causing migration to freeze (if any of the couchdb or log partitions reach 100% the migration will stall and UI will become unresponsive).
The disk space used by partitions on the Yarnman server may be displayed as follows.
Open SSH session to Yarnman server
Type df which will show space used by filesystems on server. The partitions that will likely require more space are either of the /var/lib/couchdb or /var/log partitions.
To increase diskspace, open vSphere client for the VM in question and increase diskspace as required.
Note: any snapshots must be removed before increasing hard disk space on the VM. |
Next, go back to SSH session on the Yarnman server and increase the available space on required partition/s as follows.
Type cd /opt/yarnlab/yarnman ;then
sudo ./scripts/resize-disk.sh <partition> to increase space on partition using all available space, or sudo ./scripts/resize-disk.sh <partition> <xx>G where <partition> is the name of the partition where the space is to be increased and <xx> is size in GB of increased partition size (for example if initial size is 40GB and we want to increase the space in the couchdb partition to 60GB, then we would enter sudo ./scripts/resize-disk.sh var-lib-couchdb 60G).
In below screenshot we increase the var-lib-couchdb partition using all available free space on the disk.
Note that the free space in the /var/lib/couchdb partition may also be increased by compacting the database, but there need to be at least 20% free space in this partition to perform this To compact couchdb database