Yarnman 2.6.8 Release Notes
31th May 2024
File Name | SHA512 |
yarnman-ph4-master-2.6.8-3dbe4970.ova | 2d897910b4da257be410b3347e53c151f7b223eab3963f1d1e23c0c47d7fb636ca05c4a3d35bfa96abd8f4ed655c01bd272b705fa1e6ff7779c806531e15a48f |
ym-registry:package-upgrade-master-2.6.8-3dbe4970.tar.gz | 80e6eb5e3d12790241fc74d81d729c05a62533f0d1234fe7df34d9885e1920f2d1d06e640d05c845e65aabdd338602d2c3ab55ad5db312fb47400d915e8a4ff2 |
If upgrading from 2.6.7 and receive this message
ym-upgrade.sh ym-registry:package-upgrade-master-2.6.8-812eaa2a.tar.gz
Requires Yarnman Upgrade file Exiting
login to root and run the following commands
ostree admin unlock
Development mode enabled. A writable overlayfs is now mounted on /usr.
All changes there will be discarded on reboot.
sed -i 's/\[ $1 == "ym-registry:package-upgrade"\* \] || \[ $1 == "ym-upgrade"\* \]/[[ $1 == "ym-registry:package-upgrade"\* ]] || [[ $1 == "ym-upgrade"\* ]]/' /usr/bin/ym-upgrade.sh
then proceeed with the upgrade as normal
Refer to the following for guides for yarnman 2.6
wrangler_ Resolved Issues
YMN-6053 Wrangler - WxC-MT - assert existing wxc user may fail and cause existing user to have licenses removed for other services such as meeting/messaging
YMN-6054 Wrangler - WxC-MT - Load process doesnt pause after adding locations if a Cloud Connect PSTN or Cisco Calling plan location is selected in the batch
YMN-6075 Wrangler - WxC-MT - add way to bulk resolve invalid target number edges validation issues
YMN-6091 Wrangler - WxC-MT discovery numbers fails to normalise if mask is FNN (US 10D) or CC+FNN (US 11D)
YMN-5964 Wrangler - WxC-MT - add field constraints for all wxc-mt fields for lengh and permitted chars
YMN-6117 Wrangler - WxC-DI Multiple issues at clone stage Relating to numbers that would be invalid in MT but not DI
wrangler_ Known Issues
Hybrid target migration of WxC-MT and WxC-DI in the same migration is not supported in this release despite being possible to configure - this will be supported in a future release
wrangler_ new features
bulk change worksheet - wrangler_ WxC-MT Migration User Guide | Bulk Changes Workbook
virtual lines wrangler_ WxC-MT Migration User Guide | Virtual Line Transformation
number normalisation wrangler_ WxC-MT Migration User Guide | Number mapping and Normalisation
New validation rules for missing ownerId and overlapping dial plan Wrangler WxC Validation Rules and Solutions
test_mate_ Known Issues
yarn_gate known issue
Platform YM-PH