Yarnman Photon Powered (YM-PH) - Backup and Restore Guide

Yarnman Photon Powered (YM-PH) - Backup and Restore Guide



Sets up the local backup service account on the yarnman node, and the passphrase used on the backup
yarnman@node1 [ ~ ]$ sudo ym-backup-setup.sh Starting yarnman ph4 backup Backup password not set Set Backup password: Backup password (again): Clevis not setup using local backup password no backup configuration file found creating yarnman@node1 [ ~ ]$

No login access is available to the backup service account


all the backup commands are done via the script above

Setup sftp as the backup method and ssh public keys
yarnman@node1 [ ~ ]$ sudo ym-backup-actions.sh -p sftp -a sftp-user-setup backup config found PROFILE_NAME_VAR = sftp ACTION_VAR = sftp-user-setup RESTORECOMMIT = RESTORE_IP = RESTORE_PATH = settting sftp mode profile mode :yarnman-sftp creating keys for ym-backup-user public key for ssh/sftp ssh-rsa ****LongStringForPubKey**** yarnman@node1 [ ~ ]$
Copy ssh pub key to sftp server

if ssh access is available to the SFTP server you can copy the ssh public key for login, otherwise provide the key to your SFTP Administrator.

yarnman@node1 [ ~ ]$ su Password: yarnman@node1 [ /var/home/yarnman ]# sudo -u ym-backup-user ssh-copy-id -i /home/ym-backup-user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub sftpbackup@ /bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/ym-backup-user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:****j7t+o1aQu5FoWlxS0uhKzCe414jt3**** This key is not known by any other names Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes /bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed /bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys Authorized uses only. All activity may be monitored and reported. sftpbackup@'s password: Number of key(s) added: 1
Setup SFTP destination for backup

the script will prompt for backup path, ip address and userid to the SFTP server

you may be prompted for username/password if the SSH pub key hasn’t been added to the SFTP server, this is OK for the initial setup, however scheduled/automated backups will fail

Check if backups exist at location

for first time configuration no backups will be available, nor a backup repository which will be setup in the next section.

Initialise the repository

the password used from the initial ym-backup-setup.sh will automatically be used

Initialising can only be preformed once to a repository, an error will occur if it exists already.

List backups (snapshots)

list all backups available , on a new repository this will be blank

Manual Backup

preform a manual backup


By default the schedule is setup to backup at 1am UTC every day, This can be modified in the config file with as the root user

Restore backup

To restore a snapshot to an existing node.

List the snapshots available as shown earlier to restore the required snapshot.

the restore script will create a Local backup before starting the restore in the event you need to rollback.

If you are restoring a node in a multi node deployment you will see an additional message of

This is to allow replication to all nodes, to prevent any schedule jobs/ reports from rerunning from the last backup

Rebuild Disaster recovery


  • Deploy new OVA with same version as the backup

  • Setup as a new install (eg Configure with ip, user/pass, generate certificates if prompted)

  • install yarnman

  • confirm can reach appadmin webpage, Do not Login or Accept the EULA as we will restore over this.

  • Setup backup to same repo for the node to be restored, Do Not initiate the repo or preform a backup

Run the following, Refer to previous detailed command instructions if required

The restore script will warn we are restoring to a different node, Continue.

Follow instructions after the restore completes.

Alternate Manual Method (not recommended)

*** snapshot command doesnt work in manual mode yet, also requires sudo ym-backup-setup.sh to be run ?