Yarnman Manual Upgrade

Only use this process if you have been instructed by yarnlab support

Below describes the process to manually upgrade Yarnman. This process might be useful when changing Linux versions or where multiple hop upgrades would otherwise be required or if changing IP addresses

Step 1

Create a Tarball in each of the source Yarnman Core and Arm Server (in sample below, Tarball is named ym-migration-core.tar.gz) with all the required files as follows

you may want to give a unique file name for the migration filename if you are migrating multiple nodes

sudo tar -cvzf ym-migration-core.tar.gz \ /opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ssl-cert.cert \ /opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ssl-key.pem \ /opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/local.yaml \ /opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/private-encryption-key.pem \ /opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/public-encryption-key.pub \ /opt/yarnlab/yarnman/jade-berlin/jtapi.jar \ /opt/yarnlab/yarnman/config/ca/* \ /opt/couchdb/etc/local.ini \ /opt/couchdb/data/*

Change permissions of the file to ensure it can be exported - if the tar ball name is ym-migration-core-gz as in sample above this will be

sudo chmod 777 ym-migration-core.tar.gz

Export the Tarball to external server

Step 2

Shut down source Core and Arm server(s).

Deploy target Yarnman server and any arms as required skipping the Yarnman Install step

Do NOT proceed past NTP setup and run the install yarnman steps as this is not required for this migration

Step 3

Copy Tarball created under step 1 to the new server using SFTP

Extract Tarball in target server as follows

sudo tar -xvzf ym-migration.tar.gz

Step 4a - Core Node

Restart CouchDB, Redis, update database and Reset yarnman as follows

CouchDB Restart

sudo systemctl restart couchdb

Update Redis

Update Database

Yarnman Restart

Core Firewall Update to Allow Arm connectivity*

*Only required if Arm connected to Core

Step 4b - Arm Node

Stop CouchDB, Stop Redis and Reset yarnman as follows

CouchDB Stop

Update Stop

Yarnman Restart


Step 5a - Optional Change Core node IP

Step 5b - Optional Change Arm node IP

If any arm is upgraded - in the individual arm modify Local.Yaml file with IP address of core

modify the IP addresses to core address (in our example core address is, then Ctrl O Enter followed by Ctrl X to exit

Yarnman Restart