Yarnman 2.6.13 Release Notes
25th November 2024
File Name | SHA512 |
yarnman-ph4-master-2.6.13-0d4d8117.ova | c8ea47f0f0b9441bccfa918d4a1cbe573921f37a050561d8b55228fab6ea746e72af7564b713a7d43e90b9161aa7cbd5393e7c98d92ff5e8ffbf4a7530e7ed3f |
ym-registry:package-upgrade-master-2.6.13-0d4d8117.tar.gz | d3e733ccd43b8e48159906fbff765fa0b6ed60ecd4f9323f9bb184f57b5226d59097d499303639c8d5fcf985885f1d223856c32c6bee5e4601c388f968855877 |
Refer to the following for guides for yarnman 2.6
wrangler_ New Features
Line Key layouts wrangler_ WxC-MT Migration User Guide | Line Key Layouts
Shared Call Appearances for wxc-person/wxc-workspace/wxc-virtual-line on wxc-device and wxc-application (DesktopClientId)
Monitoring/Busy Lamp Field (BLF) for wxc-person/wxc-workspace/wxc-virtual-line on wxc-device
Speed Dials for wxc-device
Enhanced Number Validation wrangler_ WxC-MT Migration User Guide | Number Validation
WxC-MT System Call Handler transformation improvements Wrangler_ WxC-MT - UCXN Call Handlers to WxC-Auto-Attendant
FedRamp Support for wrangler_ WxC-MT Yarnman (YM-PH) Interfaces | FedRamp Support for Wrangler WxC MT
wrangler_ Resolved Issues
YMN-4674 Wrangler - add option to download objects in object browser
YMN-4706 Wrangler - add option to allow setting object specific MAP/CLONE/TRANSFORM objects
YMN-4887 Wrangler- WxC-DI - Universal Device Template fail load with empty line
YMN-5068 Wrangler - update target mapping and bulk changes list items to show if an object has been deleted
YMN-5494 Wrangler - MT - New Object Device Line Key Layouts
YMN-6258 Wrangler - Determine and mark infra-source-numbers as virtual lines based off person and workspace transform co-objects
YMN-6259 Wrangler - Add wxc-application model and transform template
YMN-6260 Wrangler - Person and workspace must be transformed BEFORE device and application
YMN-6262 Wrangler - Add device/application monitoring (BLF) endpoint and pull in data from device
YMN-6261 Wrangler - WxC-MT - Device line key layouts can be generated using infra-source-number >> target wxc-objects
YMN-5583 Wrangler - WxC-MT - Transform BLF to Monitor function in MT
YMN-6257 Wrangler - WxC-MT - Transform template joint-object for person and workspace to include infra-source-number in transformation
YMN-5632 Wrangler - WxC - add number sync to new numbers view and validate new numbers
YMN-5926 Wrangler - WxC-MT - discovery fails for user with calling data true when the user has calling - bad WxC-Data
YMN-6107 Wrangler - WxC - remove options that are invalid from start migration
YMN-6128 Wrangler - WxC-MT - resolve multiple UCXN
YMN-6357 Wrangler - UCXN-SCHEDULE-SET enhancements to WxC AA
YMN-6359 Wrangler - UCXN Call Handler with or without an extension number to WxC AA
YMN-6360 Wrangler - UCXN Call Handler enhancements to menu items to WxC AA
YMN-6447 Wrangler - UCXN Holiday spanning multi days incorrectly being transformed as reoccurring
YMN-6470 Wrangler - WxC MT 2.6.13 validation rule cleanup
YMN-6183 Wrangler - WxC-MT - Fix multiple roll back issues
YMN-6229 Wrangler - WxC-MT - Review and remove unwanted MT rules after line key layout and licensing
YMN-6235 Wrangler - Number issues need to be grouped and reduced to single problem solving view.
YMN-5259 Wrangler - Wxc - Need to add and handle link_array type - specifically for licenses and roles.
YMN-6287 Wrangler - WxC-MT - WxC- add option to allocation ranges to be a primary or secondary allocation
YMN-6469 Wrangler - WxC-DI prepare issues list are not cleared/filtered if you move object to another site outside batch of selected sites
YMN-6467 Wrangler - WxC-DI users are not allocated through digest user
YMN-6371 Wrangler - WxC-MT - update target mappings excel for primary line and site allocation
YMN-6374 Wrangler - WxC-DI - When changing ACG source Type action to Clone, ACG load without Role associated
YMN-5915 Wrangler - WxC-MT - Fedramp support
wrangler_ Known Issues
YMN-6372 Wrangler - WxC-MT - bulk change workbook upload fails if excel filters are present
Workaround - remove all excel filters before uploading
YMN-6497 Wrangler - WxC-MT - roll back prepare fails on wxc-application
Workaround - after roll back prepare delete tracked object wxc-applications or move to dummy site
YMN-5375 Wrangler WxC - Workspace Pro Migration
Limitation - only first device will be migrated
Workaround - manually add Calling Professional license to workspaces that have errors requiring Pro for virtual line shared call appearance and restart
YMN-6485 Wrangler - WxC-DI - issue where you can no longer migrate objects in null site with change at before any sites loaded
This affected the documented 2.5.x proceedure for migrating CUCM-DEVICE-POOL without changing allocation Phased Migration Recommended Object Changes Pre Prepare Step
Workaround - none at this time
YMN-6501 Wrangler WxC - object browser fails to load for CUCM-USER after removing ownerId on CUCM-PHONE
If a CUCM-PHONE ownerId is set to null to convert to workspace or remove dependancy the CUCM-USER that was previously linked on ownerId will not open in object browser
Workaround - none at this time
Hybrid target migration of WxC-MT and WxC-DI in the same migration is not supported and cannot be configured after 2.6.12. If doing hybrid migrations have two migrations one migration for WxC-DI and one for WxC-MT
Addition memory needs to be assigned to yarn_man virtual machine for large source system(s)
less than 10,000 users or devices - no change required
between 10,000 users or devices and 40,000 users or devices - 8vCPU and 16vGB needs to be assigned to the virtual machine and apply this command Yarnman Photon Powered (YM-PH) - Command Line Interface Guide (CLI) | ym edit config.sh set hw 8vcpu 16gb
greater than 40,000 users or devices - contact yarnlab support https://support.yarnlab.io/
It is suggested that only a single workflow service is configured if using large source systems
test_mate_ Known Issues
yarn_gate known issue
Platform YM-PH